We thank the director arch. Annamaria Mauro and the entire museum team for the reception of the exhibition of Fronteversismo paintings from 8 December 2021 to 8 March 2022. Palazzo Lanfranchi Levi room. Inauguration 8 December at 18 in the presence of the director and Giuseppe Siniscalchi.
Follow link of the Museum of Matera https://www.museonazionaledimatera.it/evento/mostra-frontervismo/ and map of the place with some photos and videos of the preparatory phases.
Later also a photo and film gallery of the exhibition being updated.
Gallery : https://www.giusart.com/eng/gallery-fronteversismo-at-the-national-museum-of-matera/
Master Primo Iannarino at work
The words of the director Annamaria Mauro during the opening evening on 8.12.2021,